LTF is a company that has a unique business vision, with a production and selection of products designed with precision and reliability in mind.

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Drilling and CNC Drilling Machines, Drilling-Milling and Tapping Machines

Drilling and CNC Drilling Machines, Drilling-Milling and Tapping Machines

Drilling and CNC Drilling Machines, Drilling-Milling and Tapping Machines

IM EXPORT is the youngest department, created by LTF Spa in 2017. The technical experts of the long-standing experience with IM Industrie Meccaniche work  in synergy with new employees specialised in the most advanced technologies. This consolidation allows to produce machine tools up-to-date and diversified as compared to the original IM product line. An example of all is the CNC drilling/tapping machine complete with INDUSTRY software 4.0